Tooth Coloured Fillings

There are two types of white fillings;

Composite Fillings

A composite or white (tooth coloured) filling is used to repair a tooth that is affected by decay, cracks, fractures, etc. The decayed or affected portion of the tooth will be removed and then filled with a composite filling. Due to their natural appearance and strength, white composite fillings are becoming an increasingly popular choice with patients, as they can be colour matched, making them indistinguishable from your natural teeth. Composite fillings are the most common form of a tooth restoration. They create a strong bond with the tooth, nearly restoring its original strength and structure.

Tooth coloured composites are used not only for the aesthetics and shade matching, but also for the excellent mechanical properties. Teeth restored with tooth-coloured fillings are less sensitive to hot and cold than the ones restored with an amalgam. Moreover, less removal of the tooth is required for the resin composite placement.

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Ceramic Fillings

The other type of white fillings is computer- generated Inlays or onlays(ceramic fillings), which are indirect fillings made of porcelain that fit into or onto a tooth. Its purpose is to make the tooth stronger by reinforcing it, together while retaining a natural, aesthetically pleasing colour. They are used in instances when there is deficient tooth structure to support a filling but the tooth is still in a condition that does not require a crown. The new Emax porcelain is 2-3 times stronger than traditional porcelain inlay/onlays. Lava Ultimate CAD/CAM is another material that has recently introduced to the dental market. Using our iTero scanner we scan your tooth after preparation, the 3D model is sent to the lab and the inlay is fabricated and sent to us to cement in your tooth. Ceramic fillings are like regular fillings with the exception being that they are permanently cemented by one’s dentist and are made in a dental lab as opposed to being moulded to shape in one’s mouth. Receiving a porcelain inlay or onlay requires 2 visits to a dentist. In the first visit, the decay of an old filling or cavity is removed and an impression is taken. This impression is used by a dental laboratory to create the indirect filling and records the shape of the damaged tooth and the surrounding teeth.

Why do I need teeth fillings?

Bacteria can feed on the sugars left on your teeth by food or drink, causing plaque to form. The acids in plaque soften and then dissolve your enamel. This causes tiny holes which then grow bigger called cavity.  The cavity will get worse, and your tooth may eventually become infected and require treatment with root canal treatment and a dental crown. These treatments are more invasive, and complex compared to a simple dental filling.

Why does my tooth still hurt after a filling?

Tooth sensitivity is normal after placement of dental filling. Some people experience tooth pain or sensitivity after a filling. It also depends the amount and depth of tooth decay. Sensitivity after a dental filling is common, and it typically subsides with time.

Wisdom Tooth Removal
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How long will the tooth sensitivity last after a dental filling?

Sensitivity from a tooth filling should go away within two to four weeks. If the sensitivity does not seem to be getting any better during that time, or it lasts for longer than four weeks, further investigations are required. The tooth may hurt due to nerve irritation, an allergic reaction, or incorrect bite alignment.


How can a dentist fix cracked or broken filling?

It depends on the extent of damage. You should book an emergency appointment with your dentist or Emergency Dentist to get it checked. The dentist will first check to see if it can be repaired or not.

Often, you will need to completely replace the filling, which is a simple and quick process. If an infection has spread to the root, you may need a root canal treatment to clean out the decay and restore the tooth