Teeth Whitening Edinburgh

Teeth Whitening

Look Good, Feel Great & Smile with Confidence

There is nothing like a beautiful bright smile when it comes to our level of confidence. It is one of the first things that people notice when they meet you and showing off a brilliant white smile does more than lift your mood and the mood of those around you.

Whether you’re looking to combat severe discolouration or want to achieve the perfect celebrity smile, tooth whitening is the safest and most cost-effective solution. It is also commonly used as part of restorative treatments to improve the overall appearance and health of your smile. Standard teeth whitening procedures are able to reverse the effects of everyday wear and tear caused by the consumption of coloured food and drink. Particularly red wine, tea, and coffee, as well as stains caused by the effects of smoking. In addition, tooth decay, fillings, and tartar build-up can contribute to tooth discoloration, along with general ageing of the teeth. If a patient is suffering from tooth decay then this will need treating first. Fortunately, you can take simple steps to prevent stains and you can erase them with professional teeth whitening.

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Without going into the myriad details regarding all the alternative products and whitening solutions on the market, we can tell you the benefits of choosing a dental professional for your whitening needs.
Your Safety First: Because we have medical training, and take a thorough history before performing any treatment, we are in a position to recommend the safest and most suitable treatment for your needs. We have also researched all the products in advance and rely upon the reputation and success of the whitening system. Better Results for You: For optimal results, the health of your gums must first be evaluated and basic gum health must be carried out. We perform whitening as part of the management of your dental treatment plan, therefore you will achieve the best results possible, in terms of the number of shades whiter that your teeth can become.

Cost of the Teeth whitening Treatment

Frederick Street Dental Care Teeth Whitening Fee is £299. This can be split into two payments, £100 at your appointment for impressions, and £199 at your final session.

How Can I Get the Treatment?

The Treatment Involves visits to Our Practice.
  • Book a free, no obligation appointment with one of our dentists who will discuss the procedures that we offer and determine whether you are a suitable patient.
  • The first appointment involves meeting the dentist and having impressions of your teeth taken for custom made bleaching trays.
  • A week later you return to the practice to collect the whitening products and custom-made trays, you will receive advice on how to use the products.
  • The whitening process can be carried out for approximately 1-3 weeks depending on how light you want to go and your dentist’s guidance.
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5 Steps to Whiter Teeth

STEP ONE. Follow your dentist’s instructions on how to load the gel into your custom bleaching tray.

STEP TWO. Always brush your teeth before using the whitening system. To insert the tray, lightly tap it to adapt the sides to your teeth.

STEP THREE. Once the tray is in place, remove any excess gel with a clean finger or soft toothbrush. Rinse your mouth twice, but avoid swallowing.

STEP FOUR. Keep the tray in for the amount of time recommended by your dentist. This will vary, depending on the percentage you are using.

STEP FIVE. Once the treatment time is over, remove the tray and clean it thoroughly. We recommended using a soft brush and cool tap water.

Result of Teeth Whitening

Results of home whitening can vary from person to person and depend on the nature and severity of the staining. The average time for noticeable results is 2-3 weeks. The effects of the home whitening process can last for several months but lifestyle factors such as smoking and eating and drinking highly coloured foods and liquids play a large role in the formation of new stains. However, as the trays have been made to fit your teeth exactly, they can be reused at any time provided they fit well.

Some sensitivity during use of either whitening procedure is normal. This can occur due to receding gums, wear of the teeth and tiny cracks in the top layer of the teeth (enamel). This sensitivity is transient and generally lasts no longer than a day or two. Specific toothpastes and products are available to help with any low-grade sensitivity experienced.
Frederick Street Dental Care is Open 7 Days a Week, so that you can have your Cosmetic Treatment without having to take time off from office. Book a FREE COSMETIC CONSULTATION by calling us on 0131 629 1158 or emailing us.